RESOLVED: Re: GlassFish svn down?

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 22:09:22 -0700

Added "resolved" keyword.

Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
> Collab responded that they have recovered SVN. Could anyone confirm
> this for me?
> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>> I have sent email to Collab Support as Paul is on vacation.
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Yup. Same here.
>>> On Jun 30, 2009, at 9:09 PM, Tim Quinn wrote:
>>>> It seems that svn has gone down.
>>>> NetBeans, the svn command, and even attempting to go directly to
>>>> in a browser all give:
>>>> svn: PROPFIND request failed on
>>>> '/svn/glassfish-svn/trunk/v3/appclient/client/acc'
>>>> svn: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
>>>> - Tim
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>>> GlassFish Team
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> RE: ACTION : [Fwd: Re: GlassFish svn down?] [ ref:00D3ZGZ.50036eWNU:ref ]
> From:
> CollabNet Technical Support <>
> Date:
> Wed, 01 Jul 2009 04:57:59 +0000 (GMT)
> To:
> "" <>,
> "Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM" <>
> To:
> "" <>,
> "Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM" <>
> Shreedhar,
> The project 'glassfish-svn' projects repo has been recovered successfully. The repo seems to working fine now. Can you please verify the same and get back for further queries regarding this.
> Thanks,
> Pritha
> Support Operations.
> --------------- Original Message ---------------
> From: Shreedhar Ganapathy [Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: 7/1/2009 10:06 AM
> To:;
> Subject: ACTION : [Fwd: Re: GlassFish svn down?]
> Collab Team
> Could you please look into this reported issue?
> Thanks
> Shreedhar
> ref:00D3ZGZ.50036eWNU:ref
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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