Re: [Fwd: Re: V3 start-domain failing for the latest build]

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 17:29:40 -0700

Jane Young wrote:
>> Lacking a technical solution, we need to make sure that all GFv3
>> users of gmbal are represented on the gmbal email alias
>> ( seems best at this point) so that we can at
>> least co-ordinate the announcement of new releases,
>> and make sure everyone knows when a new release is available, and is
>> being included into GFv3.
> I don't think it's a good idea to ask all GFv3 user to be on the gmbal
> e-mail alias. There's already a lot of e-mails going around plus how
> would that solve the issue with identifying the gmbal version used in
> webservices. I feel it's webservices team to make sure that the
> version they are integrating to v3 workspace aligns with the gmbal
> version used in GFv3.
OK, I just concerned about whether we'll have the problem again with
other teams. We should at least track the dependencies.
What we are getting to here is that GFv3 dependsOn (webservices, CORBA)
dependsOn gmbal,
and none of these dependencies are in the main GFv3 repository. Some
don't use maven directly (and don't want to).
Now, I think I can manage to keep CORBA using the most current Gmbal
(once I get the gmbal-CORBA integration into
GFv3), but the more external dependencies we have, the more difficult
this gets.
