Re: directory structure of src under admingui\console-plugin-archetype

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 04:34:11 -0700

Hi Dies,

Jason Lee created this archetype for us, so he might have more to add.
However, yes, this is intentional. The 2nd src/* directory structure is
a template used by the archetype when it is executed. This archetype
creates a new admin console plugin when executed. After building (mvn
install) in the "console-plugin-archetype" directory, move to a new
directory on your file system and type:

mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.glassfish.admingui
-DarchetypeVersion=3.0-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=org.example.plugin
-DartifactId=yourpluginname -Dversion=1.0

This will create a buildable admin console plugin which you can drop
into the "modules" directory to install.



Dies Koper wrote:
> Hi,
> While importing V3 source in my Eclipse environment, I noticed a
> different directory structure of files under
> admingui\console-plugin-archetype.
> \---src
> \---main
> \---resources
> +---archetype-resources
> | \---src
> | \---main
> | +---java
> | \---resources
> | \---META-INF
> | \---admingui
> \---META-INF
> \---maven
> With all other modules, src\main\resources contains property files. Why
> does this module have src\main\java and src\main\resources directories
> under src\main\resources? Is that on purpose?
> Thanks,
> Dies