Re: QL failure.

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 18:06:48 +1000

Hi Ken, Jagadish,

I have attached the full MANIFEST.MF as built on Windows.
Its Class-Path entry is not valid.

I see the following issues:
- almost all jars have "../modules" in front of them, without a
separator: "../modulesglassfish-corba-asm.jar"
- two have a symbol that my editor cannot display (\0c)
- two jar file names have a tab character in them ("../modules

About, this file is included in
modules/glassfish-naming.jar, but when built on Windows it is listed as
"../modulesglassfish-naming.jar", and that is causing the exception in
this QL test.


Jagadish Prasath Ramu wrote:
> Hi Dies,
> The MANIFEST.MF entries added are w.r.t the jars that are needed by
> Appclient.
> None of the entries are w.r.t the jars in GF_INSTALL_DIR/modules
> directory.
> Entries for modules directory are (based) from
> v3/appclient/client/acc/pom.xml.
> I am not sure how this is related to the issue seen here.
> Ken : The issue seem to be because not available.
> Probably Appclient need to specify it (lib/jndi-properties.jar, though
> glassfish-naming.jar is available in appclient).
> Thanks,
> -Jagadish
> On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 11:36 +1000, Dies Koper wrote:
>> Hi Jagadish, Tim,
>> I think you added things to acc-standalone pom.xml two weeks ago to
>> build this classpath.
>> I'm not familiar enough with maven to understand what is happening, but
>> the "../modules" in this MANIFEST.MF seems to come from this pom.
>> Could you review r27228 again and try it out on Windows?
>> Thanks,
>> Dies
>> Dies Koper wrote:
>>> The stacktrace tells us the problem is on the client side, it doesn't
>>> even get as far as to connect to the server.
>>> Usually, java.naming.factory.initial is taken from a file called
>>> on the classpath.
>>> In GF V3 this file is included in glassfish\lib\jndi-properties.jar and
>>> glassfish\modules\glassfish-naming.jar.
>>> So these need to be included in the test class's classpath.
>>> In quicklook\build.xml I the following:
>>> <fileset dir="${glassfish.home}/modules">
>>> <include name="**/amx*.jar"/>
>>> <include name="**/gf-client.jar"/>
>>> </fileset>
>>> In modules\gf-client.jar (build and packaged on my Windows machine), the
>>> manifest file specifies the following classpath:
>>> Class-Path: ../modulesglassfish-corba-asm.jar ../modulesglassfish-corb
>>> a-codegen.jar ../modulesglassfish-corba-csiv2-idl.jar ../modulesglass
>>> [...]
>>> That doesn't look right to me.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dies
>>> Jane Young wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to run this test manually on Windows and check the
>>>> server.log? The stacktrace from QL does not tell me anything.
>>>> Sherry/Ming can you send the instructions on executing this test?
>>>> Byron/Nandini, can you run this test manually and check server.log?
>>>> Jane
>>>> Nandini Ektare wrote:
>>>>> Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
>>>>>> The difference, as I mentioned earlier, is that your build was
>>>>>> produced on your Windows system, whereas the one you picked up from
>>>>>> Hudson was built on either Solaris or Linux...
>>>>>> Can we go back from those failed tests and see if there is anything
>>>>>> that could be platform sensitive at build time?
>>>>> For easy reference here is the failed test trace:
>>>>> [testng] FAILED: helloRemote
>>>>> [testng] javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify
>>>>> class name in environment or system property, or as
>>>>> applet parameter, or in an application resource file:
>>>>> java.naming.factory.initial
>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>> javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.getURLOrDefaultInitCtx(
>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>> test.ejb.remoteview.RemoteViewTestNG.helloRemote(
>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 22 stack frames
>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: nonPortableGlobal
>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: portableGlobal
>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>> [testng] ejb_remoteview
>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2
>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>> Nandini Ektare wrote:
>>>>>>> Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ming, this is passing for me...
>>>>>>>> Now, sorry to offload this but I do have something rather urgent
>>>>>>>> to take care of - could someone who experienced QL failure on
>>>>>>>> their Windows system take file produced by
>>>>>>>> continuous build?
>>>>>>> I ran QL successfully against the continuous build Snjezana had
>>>>>>> referenced
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> That passes without any failures.
>>>>>>> But the zip coming out of the trunk's build has this error. What is
>>>>>>> the difference between the two (if any)?
>>>>>>> Nandini
>>>>>>>> This is still "developer" distribution, but the difference is that
>>>>>>>> it is built on Unix as opposed to Windows which may make
>>>>>>>> difference when it comes to things such as EOL characters and such...
>>>>>>>> Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Snjezana,
>>>>>>>>> Just for the debug purpose, can you/or someone try QL against the
>>>>>>>>> IPS build on windows also?
>>>>>>>>> http://gf-hudson.sfbay/hudson/job/trunk-nightly/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bundles/
>>>>>>>>> So that we are on the same page.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Ming
>>>>>>>>> Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Given that the development build now differs from IPS build only
>>>>>>>>>> in the presence of IPS metadata, this is *very* slim
>>>>>>>>>> possibility....
>>>>>>>>>> Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> But continuous QL job is running on solaris/linux, right? I
>>>>>>>>>>> suspect the development build on windows has problem.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ming
>>>>>>>>>>> Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> No, it couldn't because continuous QL job itself is running on
>>>>>>>>>>>> non-IPS distributions...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Byron brought up the failures 2 days ago. I tried to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reproduce the QL failures with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on my Windows Vista and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> couldn't see the errors. Today I used
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trunk nightly) and still all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> QL tests passed. Could this be due to IPS vs development build?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mings
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Byron Nevins wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I'm not positive but it looks just right.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It was "ejb-something", 1 failure, 2 skips
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over and over again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Byron,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are these the same failures that you saw?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nandini Ektare wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Dies.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jane, even I use windows.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Nandini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dies Koper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Nandini, Jane,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been seeing the same failure during QL for two days.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's on Windows.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dies
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jane Young wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure what's going on with your build.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just did a "mvn clean install" on v3 trunk workspace
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and have no problem running QL tests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm using a Mac.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nandini Ektare wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jane Young wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> QL tests are passing on Hudson' v3 trunk continuous
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you compile with "mvn clean install" to make sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your build is from a clean target workspace and try
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running QL again?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmm...I removed maven repo and did a mvn -U clean
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install. I still get this error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there any new additional System property that needs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be configured. The error seems to suggest that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nandini Ektare wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With a latest fresh checkout of v3 trunk I see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following issue. Is this a known issue ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: helloRemote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to specify class name in environment or system
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> property, or as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applet parameter, or in an application resource
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file: java.naming.factory.initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.getURLOrDefaultInitCtx(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test.ejb.remoteview.RemoteViewTestNG.helloRemote(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 22 stack frames
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: nonPortableGlobal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: portableGlobal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] ejb_remoteview
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Nandini

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
Created-By: Apache Maven
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_13
Package: org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc
Main-Class: org.glassfish.appclient.client.AppClientFacade
PreMain-Class: org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.agent.AppClientConta
Class-Path: ../modulesglassfish-corba-asm.jar ../modulesglassfish-corb
 a-codegen.jar ../modulesglassfish-corba-csiv2-idl.jar ../modulesglass
 fish-corba-dynamicany.jar ../modulesglassfish-corba-naming.jar ../mod
 ulesglassfish-corba-newtimer.jar ../modulesglassfish-corba-omgapi.jar
  ../modulesglassfish-corba-orb.jar ../modulesglassfish-corba-orbgener
 ic.jar ../modulesauto-depends.jar ../modulesconfig.jar ../moduleshk2.
 jar ../moduleshk2-core.jar ../modulesosgi-adapter.jar ../modules iger
 -types-osgi.jar ../modulesgrizzly-comet.jar ../modulesgrizzly-config.
 jar ../modulesgrizzly-framework.jar ../modulesgrizzly-http.jar ../mod
 ulesgrizzly-http-servlet.jar ../modulesgrizzly-portunif.jar ../module
 sgrizzly-rcm.jar ../modulesgrizzly-utils.jar ../modulespkg-client.jar
  ../modulesjaxb-osgi.jar ../moduleswebservices-osgi.jar ../modulesel-
 api.jar ../modulesservlet-api.jar ../modulesjsp-api.jar ../modulesweb
 services-api-osgi.jar ../modulesjaxb-api-osgi.jar ../modulesjunit.jar
  ../modulesjavax.persistence.jar ../modulesbean-validator.jar ../modu
 lesjavax.annotation.jar ../modulesjavax.ejb.jar ../modulesjavax.enter
 prise.deploy.jar ../modulesjavax.jms.jar ../modulesjavax.mail.jar ../
 modulesjavax.resource.jar ../ .
 ./ ../modulesjavax.servlet.jar ../modul
 esjavax.servlet.jsp.jar ../modulesjavax.transaction.jar ../modulesadm
 in-core.jar ../modulesadmin-util.jar ../modulescli-framework.jar ../m
 odulesconfig-api.jar ../modulesmonitoring-core.jar ../modulesacc-conf
 ig.jar ../modulesgf-client-module.jar ../modulesamx-api.jar ../module
 sannotation-framework.jar ../modulescommon-util.jar ../modulescontain
 er-common.jar ../modulesglassfish-api.jar ../modulesglassfish-ee-api.
 jar ../modulesglassfish-naming.jar ../modulesinternal-api.jar ../modu
 lesstats77.jar ../modulesconnectors-inbound-runtime.jar ../modulescon
 nectors-internal-api.jar ../modulesconnectors-runtime.jar ../modulesw
 ork-management.jar ../modulesglassfish.jar ../moduleskernel.jar ../mo
 dulesdeployment-common.jar ../modulesdeployment-javaee-core.jar ../mo
 dulesdol.jar ../ ../modulesejb-container.jar ../module
 sejb-internal-api.jar ../modulesapache-commons.jar ../modulesasm-all-
 repackaged.jar ../modulesldapbp-repackaged.jar ../modules lashlight-a
 gent.jar ../modules lashlight-framework.jar ../modulesjms-core.jar ..
 /modulesorb-connector.jar ../modulesorb-iiop.jar ../modulesgfprobe-pr
 ovider-client.jar ../ ../modulesejb.secu
 rity.jar ../modules ealms.jar ../modulessecurity.jar ../modulessecuri
 tycommon.jar ../moduleswebsecurity.jar ../
 .jar ../modulesjta.jar ../modulesjts.jar ../modules ransaction-intern
 al-api.jar ../modulesel-impl.jar ../modulesjsp-impl.jar ../moduleswar
 -util.jar ../modulesweb-cli.jar ../modulesweb-core.jar ../modulesweb-
 glue.jar ../modulesweb-gui-plugin-common.jar ../modulesweb-naming.jar
  ../modulesjsr109-impl.jar ../../mq/lib/imq.jar ../../mq/lib/imqadmin
 .jar ../../mq/lib/imqutil.jar ../../mq/lib/fscontext.jar ../../mq/lib
  ../lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar ../lib/install/applic
 ations/__ds_jdbc_ra/__ds_jdbc_ra.jar ../lib/install/applications/__cp
 _jdbc_ra/__cp_jdbc_ra.jar ../lib/install/applications/__xa_jdbc_ra/__
 xa_jdbc_ra.jar ../../javadb/lib/derby.jar ../../javadb/lib/derbyclien
 t.jar ../../javadb/lib/derbynet.jar ../../javadb/lib/derbytools.jar .