Re: REVIEW for JavaONE Application Deployment Guide

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 18:43:17 -0700

Hong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Dixie
> Here are my review comments for the deployment guide:
> Preface: Page 27
> Under "The following topics are addressed here"
> Bullet 2 says broken link
> Table P-1: Page 28
> "Your First Cup: An Introduction to the JavaEE 6 platform" and "Message
> Queue Release Notes": these are not hyper links (I assume these are
> to-do items)?
> Limitation of this release: Page 33
> first paragraph "descriptor based schema generation": I am not sure what
> this meant, we should probably remove this part.
> In the list of supported features for full distribution, seems the
> contents here are obsolete: Page 34
> a. Bullet Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Modules: Certain parts of the EJB
> Module support are included in the web distribution. And also the
> contents of what are supported and what are not seem obsolete. Please
> contact Ken Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM> for accurate list of EJB
> features included in Web Distribution and Full Distribuion.
> b. Bullets WebServices and SOAP: contact Bhakti Mehta
> <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM> for comments. And part of this maybe supported in
> web distribution also.
> c. Bullet Transactions Marina Vatkina
> <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM> for comments.

In the web distribution,global (XA)transactions *are* supported. The decision
was made to always support XA transactions.

Some amount of transaction recovery is supported. Please contact Jagadish
Prasath Ramu <Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for the list of supported and not supported


> d. We should add a bullet for connector modules, contact Jagadish
> Prasath Ramu <Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for accurate list of supported
> features and I think part of the support is also available in web
> distribution.
> e. We should add a bullet for appclient modules, contact Tim Quinn
> <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM> for accurate list of supported features.
> f. We should add a bullet for ear (enterprise application).
> Dynamic Reload: Page 35
> "For example, dynamic reloading is a quick way for developers to reload
> an application, but might degrade performance in a production
> environment." I am not sure what the performance degrade meant here, we
> should probably remove this part.
> JavaEE standard descriptors (Page 36).
> We should refer to JavaEE Enterprise Platform v6 instead of v5.
> Example 2-2 Page 48
> We should hide this example as generatermistubs is not supported yet.
> Example 2-3 Page 48, the retrieve option needs to supply a path, for
> example, we can use . to retrieve the client stubs in the current path.
> asadmin deploy --retrieve . ejb.jar
> To Deploy an Application or Module Automatically: Page 53
> 1. (Optional) Decide on the autodeployment interval.
> It's not clear how to set this interval. Is it through admin console or
> asadmin set command?
> 2. (Optional) Decide if any JSP files need to be precompiled.
> "If so, run a command similar to the following:
> asadmin deploy --precompilejsp ???"
> No, we cannot use the deploy command to set this option. Again, this can
> probably done through asadmin console or asadmin set command.
> How were these two steps described in the previous version?
> Example 2-12: Remark 2-1 Page 54. What did the documentation of previous
> release say here, I assume we want to use admin console to set the value
> here?
> Enterprise Module Deployment Guidelines (Page 58) Please see my previous
> comments and contact Ken Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM> for accurate comments.
> Connector Module (Page 59), contact Jagadish Prasath Ramu
> <Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for accurate comments.
> Embedded Resource Adapter (Page 60) ,contact Jagadish Prasath Ramu
> <Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for accurate comments.
> Appclient Module (Page 60) contact Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM> for
> accurate comments.
> WebServices (Page 63) contact Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM> for
> accurate comments.
> Table B-1 (Page 68)
> a. for sun web dtd, it should be sun-web-app_3_0-0.dtd. Please contact
> Jan Luehe <> for new elements added since last version.
> b. for sun ejb jar dtd, it should be sun-ejb-jar_3_1-0.dtd. I believe
> the current version has the same set of elements as the previous version.
> Thanks,
> - Hong
> Dixie Pine wrote:
>> Greetings:
>> I have posted the review draft of the /Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server
>> v3 Preview Application Deployment Guide /on the comments wiki for the
>> guide here:
>> The latest version PDF applies to the *GlassFish v3 Preview* release
>> for the JavaOne^ 2009 conference.
>> You can edit the comments wiki for your comments, or send the comments
>> in email. Both are preferable to opening an Issue in issue tracker. As
>> you can tell, there's not much time for review or for implementing
>> review comments. To be included in the Preview version of the guide, I
>> need to receive your comments by* Wednesday, 5/20/9*.
>> Here's what I need to know:
>> * Is the content correct?
>> If not, please provide corrections, pointers to material, or
>> another person's name if you don't know the answer.
>> * Does the content apply to Preview?
>> If not, tell me exactly what to hide for Preview; I will restore
>> the material for v3 final.
>> * Is content missing?
>> If so, please provide pointers to material, or another person's
>> name if you don't know the answer.
>> * Is the content obsolete?
>> If so, tell me exactly what to delete.
>> Any suggestions for better presentation or verbiage are always welcome
>> too!
>> Thanks,
>> Dixie