Re: REVIEW for JavaONE Application Deployment Guide

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 21:23:51 -0400

Hi, Dixie
   Here are my review comments for the deployment guide:

Preface: Page 27
Under "The following topics are addressed here"
Bullet 2 says broken link

Table P-1: Page 28
"Your First Cup: An Introduction to the JavaEE 6 platform" and "Message
Queue Release Notes": these are not hyper links (I assume these are
to-do items)?

Limitation of this release: Page 33
first paragraph "descriptor based schema generation": I am not sure what
this meant, we should probably remove this part.

In the list of supported features for full distribution, seems the
contents here are obsolete: Page 34
a. Bullet Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Modules: Certain parts of the EJB
Module support are included in the web distribution. And also the
contents of what are supported and what are not seem obsolete. Please
contact Ken Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM> for accurate list of EJB
features included in Web Distribution and Full Distribuion.
b. Bullets WebServices and SOAP: contact Bhakti Mehta
<Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM> for comments. And part of this maybe supported in
web distribution also.
c. Bullet Transactions Marina Vatkina
<Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM> for comments.
d. We should add a bullet for connector modules, contact Jagadish
Prasath Ramu <Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for accurate list of supported
features and I think part of the support is also available in web
e. We should add a bullet for appclient modules, contact Tim Quinn
<Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM> for accurate list of supported features.
f. We should add a bullet for ear (enterprise application).

Dynamic Reload: Page 35
"For example, dynamic reloading is a quick way for developers to reload
an application, but might degrade performance in a production
environment." I am not sure what the performance degrade meant here, we
should probably remove this part.

JavaEE standard descriptors (Page 36).
We should refer to JavaEE Enterprise Platform v6 instead of v5.

Example 2-2 Page 48
We should hide this example as generatermistubs is not supported yet.

Example 2-3 Page 48, the retrieve option needs to supply a path, for
example, we can use . to retrieve the client stubs in the current path.
asadmin deploy --retrieve . ejb.jar

To Deploy an Application or Module Automatically: Page 53
1. (Optional) Decide on the autodeployment interval.
It's not clear how to set this interval. Is it through admin console or
asadmin set command?

2. (Optional) Decide if any JSP files need to be precompiled.
"If so, run a command similar to the following:
asadmin deploy --precompilejsp ???"

No, we cannot use the deploy command to set this option. Again, this can
probably done through asadmin console or asadmin set command.
How were these two steps described in the previous version?

Example 2-12: Remark 2-1 Page 54. What did the documentation of previous
release say here, I assume we want to use admin console to set the value

Enterprise Module Deployment Guidelines (Page 58) Please see my previous
comments and contact Ken Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM> for accurate comments.

Connector Module (Page 59), contact Jagadish Prasath Ramu
<Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for accurate comments.

Embedded Resource Adapter (Page 60) ,contact Jagadish Prasath Ramu
<Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM> for accurate comments.

Appclient Module (Page 60) contact Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM> for
accurate comments.

WebServices (Page 63) contact Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM> for
accurate comments.

Table B-1 (Page 68)
a. for sun web dtd, it should be sun-web-app_3_0-0.dtd. Please contact
Jan Luehe <> for new elements added since last version.
b. for sun ejb jar dtd, it should be sun-ejb-jar_3_1-0.dtd. I believe
the current version has the same set of elements as the previous version.


- Hong

Dixie Pine wrote:

> Greetings:
> I have posted the review draft of the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server
> v3 Preview Application Deployment Guide on the comments wiki for the
> guide here:
> The latest version PDF applies to the GlassFish v3 Preview release for
> the JavaOne 2009 conference.
> You can edit the comments wiki for your comments, or send the comments
> in email. Both are preferable to opening an Issue in issue tracker. As
> you can tell, there's not much time for review or for implementing
> review comments. To be included in the Preview version of the guide, I
> need to receive your comments by Wednesday, 5/20/9.
> Here's what I need to know:
> * Is the content correct?
> If not, please provide corrections, pointers to material, or
> another person's name if you don't know the answer.
> * Does the content apply to Preview?
> If not, tell me exactly what to hide for Preview; I will restore
> the material for v3 final.
> * Is content missing?
> If so, please provide pointers to material, or another person's
> name if you don't know the answer.
> * Is the content obsolete?
> If so, tell me exactly what to delete.
> Any suggestions for better presentation or verbiage are always welcome
> too!
> Thanks,
> Dixie