GlassFish V3 / Web Beans

From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:08:32 -0400

Folks -

Meant to send this out earlier..
Web Beans has been integrated into GlassFish v3 Milestone 2. You should
be able to pick it up:
    - in GlassFish v3 promoted builds (b46 or later)
    - in GlassFish v3 nightly builds (b46 - April 23 / or later builds)
    or building GlassFish v3 from source.

What is in this release:
   - Basic Web Beans support - Simple Web Bean discovery (WAR deployment).

What is not in this release:
   - EAR deployment / EJB support.

Web Beans with EJB support will be integrated at a later time.
Samples are a work in progress.
