June I also mentioned schemagen in my previous email so that can be out
of your list.
June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> Great! Mitesh says capture-schema is also in for EA. That leaves
> just three in doubt:
> jspc
> schemagen
> updatetool
> June
> On 04/23/09 14:13, Bhakti Mehta wrote:
>> wscompile
>> wsdeploy
>> wsgen
>> wsimport
>> xjc
>> schemagen are there for EA.
>> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>> For v2, we documented these utility commands:
>>> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4332/6nfq9891a?a=expand
>>> We know that asant, deploytool, and verifier are not in v3.
>>> We also know that appclient and package-appclient are in v3.
>>> What about the others? We need to know for EA and for final whether
>>> they're in or out.
>>> capture-schema
>>> jspc
>>> schemagen
>>> updatetool (is this the tool that adds new OSGi modules?)
>>> wscompile
>>> wsdeploy
>>> wsgen
>>> wsimport
>>> xjc
>>> June
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