Re: upcoming grizzly-config merge

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 17:22:58 -0400

Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> Justin,
> The new AMX is working on the grizzly config generically with one problem:
> The @Configured Protocol interface does not specify key=true for the
> getName(), which makes AMX think it's a singleton. All non-singletons
> must have a 'key' value on one of the attributes; this is used as the
> 'name' field of the ObjectName.
> Can you fix...quickly? I want to commit today and this is causing problems.

I've filled:

to track the issue.


-- Jeanfrancois

> Lloyd
> On Apr 6, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Justin Lee wrote:
>> The merge is done but the commit is pending review before I push it.
>> The interfaces in question currently live in the grizzly-config
>> module in the grizzly tree and lack any AMX reference.
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Justin,
>>> That's the good news.
>>> The bad news is that I've been diverted to get JSR 77 MEJB working.
>>> But it might already work as-is, or maybe with a minor effort—I’ll
>>> see. Has your new code gone in, and will the domain.xml structure
>>> reflect it?
>>> I'd suggest committing your @Configured interfaces without any AMX
>>> annotations. Then I can test it out.
>>> Lloyd
>>> On Apr 6, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Justin Lee wrote:
>>>> Oh, that's fantastic news. It was causing me some heartburn because
>>>> if the grizzly-config needed AMX beans, it'd have to live in the
>>>> glassfish tree and everyone seems to prefer that it live in grizzly.
>>>> Any ETA on that? I might get 100% green with that. That would
>>>> make my day.
>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>> Justin,
>>>>> The new version of AMX (not yet committed), won't require anything
>>>>> for AMX support, beyond the plain vanilla @Configured, so don't
>>>>> worry about it.
>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>> On Apr 5, 2009, at 7:16 PM, Justin Lee wrote:
>>>>>> As promised here is diff/patch for the merge. All the maven tests
>>>>>> pass except for the admin GUI tests which are expected and
>>>>>> approved failures. The admin GUI is busted with this merge until
>>>>>> that team can sync up with these changes (grizzly-config has no
>>>>>> AMX support). That's a known issue and has been approved for the
>>>>>> short term. This changes 220+ files so I'd encourage all the
>>>>>> module owners to at least scan through the changelist. Most of
>>>>>> the changes outside of config-api and the web tier stuff is
>>>>>> cosmetic and mostly are just package name changes though some are
>>>>>> tweaks to support the new API. The drastic changes are in
>>>>>> config-api and the web code. Please look over this as soon as you
>>>>>> can as we'd like to get this merge in and thoroughly validated
>>>>>> before the build on the 20th.
>>>>>> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll
>>>>>> literally be waiting around for them.
>>>>>> Justin Lee wrote:
>>>>>>> In the next day or two, I'll hopefully begin the merge process
>>>>>>> for the grizzly-config related changes
>>>>>>> (branches/v3-grizzly-config) as described here:
>>>>>>> . The quick description is that the schema for domain.xml is
>>>>>>> changing a bit. The changes are almost completely webtier
>>>>>>> related. The new default domain.xml is attached for you to look
>>>>>>> over. For new installations, this update should be all but
>>>>>>> transparent. If, however, you have existing xml files that you'd
>>>>>>> like to continue using, I have written a migration utility that
>>>>>>> will update the file for you. This migrator uses the same
>>>>>>> mechanism to read/write as is used at runtime by the admin tools.
>>>>>>> By using this tool, any comments you have in the file will be
>>>>>>> lost as comments are not stored as part of the DOM in memory. So
>>>>>>> if those comments are important to you, you'll want to consider
>>>>>>> doing the migration manually. You can run the migrator with the
>>>>>>> following command in the v3/admin/config-api directory:
>>>>>>> mvn exec:java -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dfile=<path to your file>
>>>>>>> This will migrate your file automatically. Make sure you back up
>>>>>>> this file before migrating just in case.
>>>>>>> If you use the config-api interfaces, you'll notice that "old"
>>>>>>> interfaces are still there but deprecated. Interfaces like
>>>>>>> HttpListener are there for ease of migration but should not be
>>>>>>> used as they are no longer considered by the configuration subsystem.
>>>>>>> At this moment, all the quicklook tests are green except for the
>>>>>>> GUI tests which return a series of 500 errors. The admin GUI
>>>>>>> will be likely broken by this merge until Anissa has time to get
>>>>>>> the GUI caught up with the schema changes. Existing admin CLI
>>>>>>> commands, however, will work with the existing schema. New
>>>>>>> commands will be coming online in the next short while, as well,
>>>>>>> for more targeted support for the new schema. So for now, any
>>>>>>> admin work will need to be done using the CLI or direct xml
>>>>>>> edits. Hopefully the GUI breakage won't last for long but
>>>>>>> conflicting work by the GUI team precluded making updates on the
>>>>>>> branch as best as I can tell.
>>>>>>> I'll have diffs shortly for those interested in looking them
>>>>>>> over. I'm not sure who all needs to sign off on this merge so
>>>>>>> some guidance would be helpful. I'll do my best to answer any
>>>>>>> questions anyone might have.
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