Re: About the IIOP access when appclient starting

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:29:41 -0500

Does your app client have annotations to access back-end services?

- Tim

Zhang Biyun wrote:
> Hello Tim,
> I have some questions about IIOP connection when executing a appclient
> in Applicaiton Client Container.
> When the appclient commmand starting, it seems that it goes to get
> a connection through the iiop port of the server instance without fail
> for the applicaiton program that seems not to need connection to
> service, especially naming sevice. Does it understand what necessity for
> you to exist? If so, could you tell me what necessity is?
> Moreover, could you change like no "without fail" and doing the iiop
> connection if necessary?
> The current state and this operation are thought that it is undesirable.
> The IIOP access is generated even when it accesses cluster with
> WebService, and it is not possible to communicate exceeding Proxy under
> the present situation.
> # It seems that InitialContext was generated in main processing
> # (com.sun.enterprise.appclient.Main) of the client container at
> # preInvoke(★1).
> ------------------------------------
> public class Main {
> public Main(String[] args){
> :
> String appMainClass = container.preInvoke(props); →★1
> cleanup.setAppContainer(container);
> :
> }
> }
> public class AppContainer
> {
> :
> /**
> * This is called by main before the actual main of the application
> * is invoked. It initializes the container and performs login for
> * the user.
> * @return the main class of the application.
> */
> (★1) public String preInvoke(Properties props) throws Exception {
> return preInvoke(initializeNaming(props) ,
> Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
> }
> :
> }
> }
> ------------------------------------
> Thanks,
> Zhang Biyun