Not sure, Jan.
This seems related to admin-console being deployed at the "root"
context of __asadmin virtual server.
If I understand org.glassfish.api.container.Adapter correctly, only
the requests to host:4848/admin ("/admin" is the context-root of
AdminConsoleAdapter) should result in a call to its service method. So, I
am not quite sure why host:4848/testwebapp be routed to it.
If it is indeed getting routed there, and that's per design,
maybe this adapter should extract the URI and if it does not match "/" or
"/admin", it should return null?
Jan Luehe wrote:
> On 04/ 8/09 11:05 AM, Amy Roh wrote:
>> When I have a test webapp installed, the web container makes sure it
>> does not load the test webapp on __asadmin virtual server (4848)
>> because we treat asadmin virtual server as special and do not load
>> webapps on it.
>> However, after starting the server, the first access to
>> http://localhost:4848/testwebapp always returns 200 immediately and
>> shows the GlassFish Administration Console page (loading the admin
>> console).
>> "GlassFish Administration Console
>> GlassFish Administration Console - Installation in Progress...
>> The browser will refresh automatically, or you may press reload on
>> your browser.
>> Loading of the GlassFish Admin Console is in progress..."
>> After a few seconds later, it then goes to 404 as the testwebapp isn't
>> available on asadmin virtual server - 404 is expected. If you access
>> the page for the 2nd time, you get 404 as expected.
>> It seems that access to 4848 port triggers admin console loading
>> immediately regardless if the resource is available or not. Where is
>> this handled?
> I would start looking in
> com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/adapter/AdminConsoleAdapter#service
> Jan
>> Thanks,
>> Amy
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