Re: dotted names are broken?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:37:26 -0800

ok this was very useful. I integrated the last change, and tried all
your examples below successfully so I think this is fixed. let me know
if you see more issues.


On Mar 3, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Amy Roh wrote:

> Hi Jerome,
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> I am not seeing this error when testing dotted names separately.
>> dhcp-usca14-133-141:ws dochez$ ~/glassfish/bin/asadmin list
>> looking at the log, I can see there a some validation exception,
>> trying the set the port, some compilation errors so I think there's
>> a bit of confusion going on right now.
> They are two different issues.
> The first issue is "remote failure: Could not change the
> attributes : EXCEPTION getting class for
> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpListener" when asadmin set
> If I test them separately (not in devtests) for traceEnabled,
> authPassthroughEnabled, and sso-enabled, I get the following
> Exception response and nothing in server.log.
> ==============
> bash-3.2$ glassfish/bin/asadmin set server.http-
> remote failure: Could not change the attributes : EXCEPTION getting
> class for com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpListener
> Command set failed.
> bash-3.2$ glassfish/bin/asadmin set server.http-
> remote failure: Could not change the attributes : EXCEPTION getting
> class for com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpListener
> Command set failed.
> bash-3.2$ glassfish/bin/asadmin set
> enabled=false
> remote failure: Could not change the attributes : EXCEPTION getting
> class for com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpListener
> Command set failed.
> ==============
> The second issue as you pointed out is that http-listener.redirect-
> port seems to throw ValidationException when redirect-port is set
> with "". Shouldn't it allow an empty string in order to reset the
> value?
> asadmin-common-ignore-fail:
> [echo] asadmin set --user anonymous --passwordfile /files/hudson/
> workspace/webtier-dev-tests-v3/appserv-tests/config/
> adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 47748 --echo=true --
> terse=true server.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.redirect-port=
> [exec] set --echo=true --terse=true --port=47748 --
> host=localhost --passwordfile=/files/hudson/workspace/webtier-dev-
> tests-v3/appserv-tests/config/adminpassword.txt --user=anonymous
> server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.redirect-port=
> [exec] remote failure: java.lang.RuntimeException:
> org.jvnet.hk2.config.ValidationException: does not represent an
> Integer
> HttpListener
> /**
> * Gets the value of the redirectPort property.
> *
> * @return possible object is
> * {_at_link String }
> */
> @Attribute(dataType=Port.class)
> public String getRedirectPort();
> /**
> * Sets the value of the redirectPort property.
> *
> * @param value allowed object is
> * {_at_link String }
> */
> public void setRedirectPort(String value) throws
> PropertyVetoException;
> Thanks,
> Amy
>> e.g. :
>> asadmin-common-ignore-fail:
>> [echo] asadmin set --user anonymous --passwordfile /files/
>> hudson/workspace/webtier-dev-tests-v3/appserv-tests/config/
>> adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 40560 --echo=true --
>> terse=true server.http-service.http-listener.http-
>> listener-1.redirect-port=
>> [exec] set --echo=true --terse=true --port=40560 --
>> host=localhost --passwordfile=/files/hudson/workspace/webtier-dev-
>> tests-v3/appserv-tests/config/adminpassword.txt --user=anonymous
>> server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.redirect-
>> port= [exec] remote failure: java.lang.RuntimeException:
>> org.jvnet.hk2.config.ValidationException: does not represent an
>> Integer
>> [exec] http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.redirect-port=
>> [exec] can you check what is the problem beside eventual dotted
>> names issues.
>> thanks, jerome
>> On Feb 27, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Amy Roh wrote:
>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>> the failures that I am seeing on the devtests seem to be
>>>> completely unrelated to the dotted names support. Is someone
>>>> looking at the current web devtests failures ?
>>> Some were related to the dotted names support. The failure number
>>> went down from 45 to 25 since your fix on 2/23.
>>> I still see a couple of failures related with asadmin set failing
>>> with "remote failure: Could not change the attributes : EXCEPTION
>>> getting class for
>>> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpListener ". Is this
>>> related at all? The rest of the failures are accounted for and
>>> getting looked at.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Amy
>>>> Jerome
>>>> On Feb 20, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Amy Roh wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jerome,
>>>>> I still see many webtier devtests [1] failures due to "remote
>>>>> failure: No configuration found for http-service...." and I see
>>>>> the same behavior with this morning's build?
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Amy
>>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>> This should have been restored now.
>>>>>> jerome
>>>>>> On Feb 19, 2009, at 8:29 AM, Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi I've downloaded latest nightly build, and seems dotted
>>>>>>> names are not working. The "asadmin list" returns nothing [1]
>>>>>>> and "asadmin set" also doesn't work for me [2].
>>>>>>> WBR,
>>>>>>> Alexey.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> [###@### ~/JavaLibs/GlassFish/glassfish/bin]$ ./asadmin list
>>>>>>> Command list executed successfully.
>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>> [###@### ~/JavaLibs/GlassFish/glassfish/bin]$ ./asadmin set
>>>>>>> remote failure: No configuration found for http-service.http-
>>>>>>> listener.http-listener-1
>>>>>>> Command set failed.
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