Re: QL Failures in AdminConsole

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:35:03 -0700

On 03/17/09 09:51 AM, Sherry Shen wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> From RE QuickLook reports on v3 b40 promotion.
> 59 tests for glassfish profile
> http://gf-hudson.sfbay/hudson/job/trunk-ql-gf/26/artifact/quicklook/test-output/QL-GP-report.html
> 50 tests for web profile
> http://gf-hudson.sfbay/hudson/job/trunk-ql/519/artifact/quicklook/test-output/QL-WP-report.html
> If you do "mvn -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} test" on glassfish
> distribution, I think that you should get 59 tests.

Thanks, Sherry!

I noticed my script was running QL with the "-P test_wd" option.
If I remove this option, I get this result when running QL on GlassFish

     [echo] [testng]
     [echo] [testng] ===============================================
     [echo] [testng] QuickLookTests
     [echo] [testng] Total tests run: 56, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
     [echo] [testng] ===============================================
     [echo] [testng]

Still not 59, though.

Also, to my defense :), Sherry and Jane found that when the Admin
Console tests were reenabled (after they had been temporarily
disabled), they were *not* reenabled for QL's web profile (an oversight
which is being looked into), which is why I did not notice the failures
