residual monitor mbeans not gc'd after undeploy/redeploy...

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 15:07:04 -0800

I discovered that if I have monitoring enabled (LOW on everything),
undeploying and then deploy an EAR *with a new name* creates new
monitors with the new name, but the old monitor mbeans
("amx:X-ApplicationMonitor") stay in existence until the server is

This EAR contains web services and the old web service mbeans
(specifically "amx:WebServiceEndpoint") also stay alive, though they can
be detected due to their container element being invalid.

Is this a bug or a feature?

To me, it seems like a memory leak, as the entries seem to be obsolete
(accessing them causes all kinds of trouble) but I was unable to get
them to be GC'd.

This is with GlassFish V21 B60e (also B60c), cluster profile (though no
cluster or standalone instances were configured -- just "server").
