Welcome Dies Koper

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:19:53 -0800


I would like to extend a rather belated welcome to Dies Koper to the
GlassFish developer community. Dies has been using GlassFish v2 at
Fujitsu for some time, and has submitted a number of patches and bug
reports. He has been a J2EE container developer for six years, focusing
on EJBs, Servlets and Web Services. He has also used and filed bugs
against Apache Tomcat and Axis.

He interested in all parts of the server including spec implementations.
  He has submitted over 30 patches - mostly to GlassFish, but also some
to Grizzly and JSP projects. Has been in contact with Jan, Ken, Marina
and Jeanfrancois.

Thanks and welcome Dies!

GlassFish Community Manager