Re: GlassFish v3 system test failures

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 09:43:45 +0530

Jerome Dochez wrote:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Jane Young wrote:
>>> Hi Bill,
>>> Jennifer Chou reported similar error this morning.
>>> Her issue was that she was using JDK 6.0.
>> Yup, that was it. Curious that it worked all this time until just
>> a few days ago...
>> Shouldn't the build check for things like this?
> we should be able to build with jdk6, there's been a regression.
> I have not been able to look at it yet.
It is a problem seen at runtime only. There appears to be a big
difference in behavior of XMLInputFactory.newInstance(String factoryId,
ClassLoader loader) between the StAX implementation that we use in JDK
1.5 env vis-a-vis StAX implementaton that comes along with JDK 1.6. I am
looking into it.
