On 10/31/08 12:24 AM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Jan,
> Yes, after the ws. update the problem went away. But I'm surprised
> that the QL didn't catch it...
QL must be deploying to virtual-server "server" explicitly.
> thanks,
> -marina
> Jan Luehe wrote:
>> Marina,
>> On 10/30/08 05:48 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> On the ws. as of today mid-day (Revision: 23614) I can't access a
>>> web app after deploy. It's available after server restart, but the
>>> next one has the same problem.
>> can you please update and rebuild your
>> web/web-glue/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/web/WebContainer.java?
>> I've noticed the same behaviour as you. For the time being, I've
>> reverted my fix for
>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=6645
>> (Interpret empty or missing virtual-servers attribute in
>> <application-ref>
>> to mean "no deployment").
>> which was applied to the trunk only (and not the prelude branch).
>> This fixes the problem for me.
>> I need to discuss the semantics of the virtual-servers attribute with
>> Jerome. I was expecting "asadmin deploy" (without --virtualservers)
>> to take a snapshot of all virtual servers and pass them to
>> WebContainer.loadWebModule(), but apparently "null" is being passed,
>> with the effect that the app is not being loaded to any virtual servers
>> (according to the new semantics).
>> The virtual servers are correctly stored as the value of the
>> "virtual-servers" attribute of the app's <application-ref> in
>> domain.xml,
>> and are being passed correctly to WebContainer.loadWebModule() following
>> a restart - but for some reason *not* during the initial deployment.
>> Jason, can you also please also update and rebuild WebContainer.java?
>> The regression Marina was noticing may also have been responsible for
>> IT 6658, which you had filed.
>> Thanks,
>> Jan
>>> What's interesting, I was able to load admingui without a problem.
>>> Is it a known problem?
>>> thanks,
>>> -marina
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