Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Jerome,
>> Is the <module-log-levels> element respected?
> Not today. But it will be.
not exactly, we will support upgrade scenarios where the information
will be migrated from the domain.xml to the but we
will not write out any longer the log levels in the domain.xml.
we should however define an API to change those in the and hook it up with the one Lloyd described below.
Carla is already aware that's one of the task she has to do for final.
>> If so, the log levels are available via AMX.
>> amx:j2eeType=X-ModuleLogLevelsConfig,name=na,X-ConfigConfig=server-config,X-LogServiceConfig=na
>> But of course those are configured log levels, and if the runtime
>> changes them...
> I think Jacob needs runtime ones.
>> ..............................................
>> Lloyd Chambers
>> GlassFish team, LSARC member
>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> do you have the logger instance, why don't you do a getLevel() call
>>> on it ?
>>> if you want configured level without instantiating the logger
>>> instance, there is no current admin API to give you that information.
>>> jerome
>>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Jacob Kessler wrote:
>>>> Is there any way to query that within glassfish? As I said, I'm
>>>> trying to get the log level as the Jruby manager starts up to pass
>>>> it on to the jRuby runtimes that it will create, so an asadmin
>>>> command isn't really practical.
>>>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>>>> Jacob Kessler wrote:
>>>>>> I'm trying to find the current logging level so that I can pass
>>>>>> it on to a Jruby runtime to let Rails/merb/etc. log things
>>>>>> correctly and sensibly. However, a simple call to
>>>>>> logger.getLevel() on the logger I have in Java returns a null
>>>>>> which, while allowed, isn't very useful. Trying to recuse myself
>>>>>> up the logger hierarchy until I find a non-null level seems like
>>>>>> the wrong way to deal with that, so I thought I'd ask here: Is
>>>>>> there a simple way to find out the current log level that your
>>>>>> logger is logging at?
>>>>> asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=log | grep <logger name>?
>>>>> -Kedar
>>>>> (Assuming v3 Prelude).
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