Re: Simple way to find the current logging level?

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 13:47:17 -0700

Jerome Dochez wrote:
> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Jerome,
>>> Is the <module-log-levels> element respected?
>> Not today. But it will be.
> not exactly, we will support upgrade scenarios where the information
> will be migrated from the domain.xml to the but we
> will not write out any longer the log levels in the domain.xml.

I'd say we be careful with this design because I am not sure how
we are going to do *per instance* when the
instance is part of a cluster.

When, for example, you set
cluster-config/log-service.module-log-levels.ejb-container="WARNING", all
the should get changed.

Also, what about the other attributes of log-service? I hope we want
to support them. So, I guess we are in a tough situation where module-log-levels
can be deprecated (with a careful design) but log-service can't be.


> we should however define an API to change those in the
> and hook it up with the one Lloyd described below.
> Carla is already aware that's one of the task she has to do for final.
>>> If so, the log levels are available via AMX.
>>> amx:j2eeType=X-ModuleLogLevelsConfig,name=na,X-ConfigConfig=server-config,X-LogServiceConfig=na
>>> But of course those are configured log levels, and if the runtime
>>> changes them...
>> I think Jacob needs runtime ones.
>>> ..............................................
>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>> GlassFish team, LSARC member
>>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>> do you have the logger instance, why don't you do a getLevel() call
>>>> on it ?
>>>> if you want configured level without instantiating the logger
>>>> instance, there is no current admin API to give you that information.
>>>> jerome
>>>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Jacob Kessler wrote:
>>>>> Is there any way to query that within glassfish? As I said, I'm
>>>>> trying to get the log level as the Jruby manager starts up to pass
>>>>> it on to the jRuby runtimes that it will create, so an asadmin
>>>>> command isn't really practical.
>>>>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>>>>> Jacob Kessler wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm trying to find the current logging level so that I can pass
>>>>>>> it on to a Jruby runtime to let Rails/merb/etc. log things
>>>>>>> correctly and sensibly. However, a simple call to
>>>>>>> logger.getLevel() on the logger I have in Java returns a null
>>>>>>> which, while allowed, isn't very useful. Trying to recuse myself
>>>>>>> up the logger hierarchy until I find a non-null level seems like
>>>>>>> the wrong way to deal with that, so I thought I'd ask here: Is
>>>>>>> there a simple way to find out the current log level that your
>>>>>>> logger is logging at?
>>>>>> asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=log | grep <logger name>?
>>>>>> -Kedar
>>>>>> (Assuming v3 Prelude).
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