Re: [v3] exporting all Metro packages for OSGi

From: Fabian Ritzmann <Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:08:19 +0300

On 27. Aug 2008, at 16:40, Sahoo wrote:
> Fabian Ritzmann wrote:
>> On 27. Aug 2008, at 13:49, Sahoo wrote:
>>> No, I still don't understand why we are seeing failures. My
>>> understanding is that Metro is a OSGi bundle and some code in that
>>> OSGi bundle is attempting to load another non-exported class from
>>> the same OSGi bundle using a variant of Class.forName() that does
>>> not take any classloader as argument. In such a case,
>>> Class.forName() uses caller's classloader, which is the
>>> classloader of the Metro bundle. Such a class loader should be
>>> able to load any class that's part of Metro bundle.
>>> There are two assumptions here:
>>> 1. Class being loaded is part of Metro OSGi bundle.
>>> 2. No classloader is passed to Class.forName().
>>> Is any of them wrong?
>> Both assumptions are correct.
> Looking at your recent emails, I don't understand how you concluded
> both the assumptions were correct. I do think the code passes
> Thread's context class loader while calling Class.forName().
> Otherwise, how is the WebappClassLoader coming into picture? Clarify
> this please.

I'm sorry, I should have double-checked. You are right, this code is
actually invoking Class.forName("classname", true, classloader) where
classloader is Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().

So what would be the right thing to do instead?
