GUI on the (almost) latest build

From: Nandini Ektare <Nandini.Ektare_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 13:38:03 -0700

GUI team,

Does anyone of you face this issue on yesterday's (late evening) build?

If I try to access the GUI at the usual localhost:8080/admin it takes me
to a page saying "Do you want to connect directly or through Proxy?"
Once I select directly, it attempts to install the admingui war and goes
back to the page where it asked me "do you want to connect directly or
through proxy"

This was not the behavior earlier. GUI at 8080 used to function normally
i.e once I selected "directly" it would install and load the admin gui
app and go over to the login page.
Any known issues/regressions lately?
