Re: Mapping error messages to generating code location

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:01:23 -0700

Mick Jordan wrote:
> I'd like to know how to map an error message from asadmin to the
> location in the source base where it is issued, e.g.,
> %asadmin start-domain
> There is more than one domain in /home/mjj/glassfish/domains. Try
> again but specify the domain name as the last argument.
> I've searched the code base for the message but I guess it's localized
> and some key is used in the source.
> Please reply direct as I am not on this alias.

Not sure which GlassFish version you are using, but in V3, a search for
the above message reveals this:

is more than one domain in {0}. Try again but specify the domain name as
the last argument.

So the message is mapped to this key: "tooManyDomainDirs"

Now you can search the codebase for this key.


> Mick
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