Re: [V3] Web container not destroyed during domain shutdown

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 13:04:27 -0700

Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Byron Nevins wrote:
>> I noticed this behavior in embedded -- a clean shutdown of GF is
>> impossible, the System.exit() sledgehammer has to be used...
> Using embedded API I should be able to shutdown v3 form inside my
> application and it should not force my application to exit. This is
> going to be a problem and basically unacceptable.
We also need to make sure that shutdown/restart does not leak memory.
I'd expect that
embedded components can be shutdown and restarted as often as required
without leaking
memory. I just spent a week fixing things like non-static ThreadLocals
(absolutely essential
in some cases) that caused ORB memory leaks in exactly this sort of customer
scenario. Static caches can be a problem as well.
