
From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 20:11:12 -0700

I've never got a straight answer to this -- or maybe I did and I've

I see all of these things that all eventually become "10.0-SNAPSHOT" in
pom files:


It seems that they are almost randomly selected.

E.g. in one Pom file I observed that the project had

but later in the pom ${glassfish.version} was used as a version string.

*** What's the rule for the version to use -- for us regular mortals
that are not doing any fancy maven footwork?

Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.