Re: v3 build

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:28:05 -0700

On Aug 11, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Harsha Godugu wrote:

> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Harsha,
>>> I expect I will need to make more HK2 changes/additions as V3
>>> development progresses, so this will be an ongoing issue.
>> I agree, but I really don't see why hk2 is special here,
> because, hk2 seems like a very critical component -- any failure in
> hk2 will just brings everything to HALT. (may be we should define
> what other v3 modules/projects are in such category 'critical' to v3)
I think we see the problem with hk2 first but the truth is that in
such a situation, we would grind to a halt an some point anyway unless
we always build everything from sources which is the job of RE, not
individual developer.

let's talk about this tomorrow morning...


> I had the same thought as Lloyd. hk2 shouldn't be a standing
> outside v3 (as one option). By doing this, there is no such
> dependency defined on v3 where it needs to download the hk2
> artifacts from a remote repo. We should definitely have a
> contingency plan in case, a similar problem with repos happens
> again. Adequate soak time for the new bits in hk2 is one idea.
>> if artifacts are not published to the maven repo, anyone not
>> building the entire source tree is in hell. if you are building the
>> entire source tree then create a local super pom that does hk2 and
>> v3 compilation together.
> I think, the above is inevitable when we use maven. (no network ->,
> no repos.. -> no build / no product?)
> thanks..
>>> One option is for HK2 to become part of V3. Another is to
>>> document exactly what must be done for a seamless push of HK2,
>>> preferably automated without any voodoo.
>>> For last weekend's fun, an API (interface) change meant that HK2
>>> and V3 needed to change in sync
>> if our tools (namely the repo server) was working
>> fine, this is not as bad as you describe, I have done it many
>> times. The real issue is the repo fragility, since with a
>> fragile repository, any release is impossible, but also any
>> snapshot is potentially outdated creating a real threat for anyone
>> building only a few modules for productivity.
>> jerome
>>> Lloyd
>>> ..............................................
>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>> GlassFish team
>>> On Aug 11, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Harsha Godugu wrote:
>>>> In future, if we touch hk2, (and still use SNAPSHOTs) probably it
>>>> is a good idea to give at least 3days lead time to do such
>>>> change in hk2 first (or any parent of v3)
>>>> and then come back to v3 to do the dependent changes. What do you
>>>> think?
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