Is it possible for V3 to defer loading of an application until the first
request, possibly only for applications that were deployed with certain
I'm brainstorming solutions for the this problem:
1) Rails instances cannot be shared between rails applications.
2) Rails instances take about 6-8 seconds to start on recent hardware
(e.g. 2.6GHz dual core Opteron, for example)
This means that if a user deploys more than a single rails application
to V3, everytime the server is started, it must create a separate rails
instance for each and every rails application that is deployed. Startup
time when there are 2 or more rails applications just gets awful.
If the rails instances could be started on demand, then startup time
wouldn't be adversely impacted by unused but deployed applications.
This could improve the development experience.
Another possibility, though perhaps not as good, would be to thread the
creation of the rails instances. Not sure if that is feasible, but I
suspect it might be. Right now I'm pretty sure it's all performed
sequentially on one thread.
Other ideas?