[Fwd: Integrated 1.2_09]

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 17:34:01 -0700

Looks like the correct javax.javaee JAR is available now, so you
shouldn't have
to build javaee-api yourselves.


attached mail follows:

I've completed the work to integrate JSF 1.2_09 as standalone OSGi
bundles, however,
there's a glitch with the hudson job that rebuilds the javax.javaee jar
and pushes
it to the maven repo.

I'm still working on resolving this, but there is a lag between the time
that the job completes
and the artifact appears in the public repository. If you're seeing
issues building the server
(i.e. can't resolve jsf-api-1.2_09) or running QL (JSF-based QL tests
fail), please make sure you
build the javaee-api module prior to doing a full build of v3.

I'll send a follow up once the correct javax.javaee jar has been pushed.

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