It's very valuable to have all the hints, steps, workarounds, etc.
collected in one place.
And, in my opinion, that should be the wiki page for the build
procedure. Even if certain steps are temporary let's capture them on
the wiki page. That way I don't have to remember that Anissa found a
workaround for one problem, and Nandini a way to fix another problem,
and then go looking for their e-mails or the follow-up e-mail (from
perhaps someone else) announcing that one or the other workaround is no
longer needed.
The mail messages are hugely useful. But the wiki should always be the
authoritative source for how to build v3 at any given moment.
- Tim
Sahoo wrote:
> See the attached email. I thought you had found a work around for JDK
> 1.6 issue on Mac OS. Can you also tell me where you got confused?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am getting really confused on how to work around the Hudson/build
>> issue in order to build V3 from scratch. Also, I am running Mac OS
>> 10.4, and there is no JDK 1.6 available. Can someone who
>> successfully done so send out the steps again ?
>> thanks very much.
>> Anissa.
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: [GFv3] Unstable build: don't refresh your workspace now
> From:
> Sahoo <>
> Date:
> Mon, 07 Jul 2008 23:13:11 +0530
> To:
> To:
> I have just been told that it's going to take some time (expected by
> Tuesday morning - US time) address the issues in the build system. In
> the mean while, if you wish to build v3, the following procedure
> should work:
> 1. Check out and build jsp project using latest hk2:
> svn co jsp/trunk
> JAVA_HOME=<path to JDK 1.6> mvn -f jsp/trunk/pom.xml install
> -Dhk2.version=0.3.8 -Dhk2.plugin.version=0.3.8
> 2. Update v3:
> cd <v3 dir>
> svn up
> 3. Build javaee-api:
> mvn -f javaee-api/pom.xml clean install
> Sometimes the above command fails while building the last module
> (i.e., javax.javaee module) because of what I think is a JDK bug
> (6713913). If that happens, just try building javax.javaee separately.
> 4. Build v3:
> mvn -f ./pom.xml clean install
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Don't refresh your v3 workspace now. You may like to wait until we
>> figure out why builds are not getting pushed to maven repo. I am
>> waiting for the build team to get to work.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
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