Re: [GFv3] Important change related to use of OSGi in v3

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 01:29:21 +0530

Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> 5. Updated felix/conf/ to start Felix shell by default.
>> This is very usefuk to debug OSGi issues.
> can you turn this off without having to change the properties file ?
No. May I know why you wanted it. Is it because of those '->' appearing
in log file?
BTW, this is a temporary solution. I am waiting for a remote telnet like
shell to be available for Felix. When that is available, we will not see
the '->' not appearing in log file. I do think starting the shell by
default encourages people to use it more often and get familiar with the
OSGi runtime.
