Re: [v3] Still having problems w/ deploy

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:45:17 -0700

Is there a bug reported on this?

There is an easy way to "fix" this on the launching side.

Launcher sets c.s.a.hN to the *canonical* host name.
It could easily be changed to set it to "localhost".

Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> I thought it was resolved after re-rebuilding, however, it's not.
>> The first deploy goes through fine and I can access the web app.
>> However, when I try to deploy a 2nd web app, it now gives me a 404
>> during the asadmin command:
>> % asadmin deploy /glassfish/v3/admingui/war/target/admingui.war
>> Command deploy executed successfully.
>> % asadmin deploy /tmp/demo.war
>> Status: 404
>> Command deploy failed.
>> If I do this in reverse order demo.war succeeds and admingui.war
>> gives the 404/failed message.
> ok. You may suffer from the same issue that Maria and me saw in the
> last few days.
> The workaround is as follows:
> change ${com.sun.aas.hostName} to hostname of your change in domain.xml
> Hope that this helps.
> Shing Wai Chan
>> Ken
>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>> I just checked out and built v3 (a couple hours ago). Server starts
>>> up fine. Deployment of web apps go through fine (tried admingui.war
>>> and demo.war). When I attempt to access them after they're
>>> deployed, I get 404 w/ no errors in the log. Once on demo.war and
>>> admingui.war I was able to access them after stopping/starting the
>>> server... but I have not been able to reproduce that.
>>> Is this a known problem? Here is what showed up in the server.log
>>> when I did the deploy for these 2 apps (nothing showed up when
>>> attempting to access the apps -- just 404):
>>> admingui.war:
>>> demo.war:
>>> Ken
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Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.