Re: Unable to reproduce (was [GFv3] localhost:8080/<ContextRoot> does not work)

From: Shing Wai Chan <Shing-Wai.Chan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:30:14 -0700

I saw something similar but may be a different problem as follows:
1. I can deploy the first war file through asadmin.
2. Then I cannot deploy the second war file with a Status: 404
    In fact, it fails for other asadmin command, too.
3. Next, I copy those war files in autodeploy.
    Then they deploy and run without problem.
So, it seems that the failure only occurs for asadmin context root.
I have this issue consistently in Mac OS. Any idea?
      Shing Wai Chan

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Is there any tracing that I can enable to provide more information?
> Setting the logger server="FINEST" should help. The problem right now
> I'm observing thanks to Marina is that it seems there is a thread race
> at startup when hk2 register the host, adapter, etc. Hudson, Ubuntu
> and OS X (at least for me) aren't showing any failure because the
> Grizzly Mapper gets the proper information, e.g the hosts, alias and
> adapter. In you example, it seems the Mapper has never been invoked
> with that information. Why is the question :-)
> Worse, with Marina's setup the @Inject annotation doesn't inject the
> Mapper, ending in a beautiful NPE. Jerome explained to me how hk2
> works and how services are initialized, I think I've missed one case,
> which is what you are facing and what Marina is experiencing. Before
> the Mapper wasn't shared and we have guessed the host, which is why
> the problem never occurred.
> Take a look at
> kernel/src/main/com/sun/enterprise/v3/services/impl/GrizzlyService.registerEndpoint(..)
> This is the root cause. Now I can't reproduce the issue, so it makes
> debugging a little hard. But the root cause is the Mapper is not
> initialized with proper info, hence fail to map and return a 404.
> Let me know if you find something :-)
> I
>> can even debug some code, if you tell me which code path is suspected.
> Thanks for the help.
> -- Jeanfrancois
> I
>> use OpenSolaris/x86. Here is what I get in the client side:
>> /glassfish@/tmp$ wget -S http://localhost:8080/FirstV3Test
>> --04:48:55-- http://localhost:8080/FirstV3Test
>> => `FirstV3Test'
>> Resolving localhost...
>> Connecting to localhost||:8080... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
>> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
>> Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>> Content-Length: 815
>> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 23:18:55 GMT
>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>> 04:48:55 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>> /
>> glassfish@/tmp$ cat /etc/hosts
>> localhost glassfish glassfish.
>> glassfish-iwi0 # Added by inetmenu
>> Only localhost does not work, I can use or glassfish as the
>> host in the URI.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>> Salut,
>>> looking at issue filled by Sahoo:
>>> I cannot reproduce the problem on both Ubuntu and OS X.
>>> My host file contains:
>>> localhost
>>> ja120114-desktop
>>>> ja120114_at_ja120114-desktop:/tmp$ wget -S
>>>> http://localhost:8080/tomcat-test/
>>>> --12:21:23-- http://localhost:8080/tomcat-test/
>>>> => `index.html.1'
>>>> Resolving localhost...
>>>> Connecting to localhost||:8080... connected.
>>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>>> X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
>>>> Server: GlassFish/v3
>>>> ETag: W/"29-1216862374000"
>>>> Last-Modified: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 01:19:34 GMT
>>>> Content-Type: text/html
>>>> Content-Length: 29
>>>> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:21:23 GMT
>>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>>> Length: 29 [text/html]
>>>> ja120114_at_ja120114-desktop:/tmp$ wget -S
>>>> http://localhost:8080/tomcat-test/ServletTest
>>>> --12:22:52-- http://localhost:8080/tomcat-test/ServletTest
>>>> => `ServletTest'
>>>> Resolving localhost...
>>>> Connecting to localhost||:8080... connected.
>>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>>> X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
>>>> Server: GlassFish/v3
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1
>>>> Content-Length: 7
>>>> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:22:52 GMT
>>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>>> Length: 7 [text/plain]
>>> Are you using HTTP 1.0 by any chance?
>>> Thanks
>>> -- Jeanfrancois
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