Re: "Modularization of GlassFish using OSGi" one pager available for review

From: Richard S. Hall <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 18:10:36 -0400

Sahoo wrote:
> Yes. You can do so by configuring the plugin like this:
> <instructions>
> <Fragment-Host>Bundle-SymbolicName of the Host bundle</Fragment-Host>
> </instructions>
> Prelude can't support bundle fragments, because of limitations in
> underlying OSGi platform we use. I did not even know we are doing G11n
> for Prelude. Is it mentioned in "Overview" one-pager? If not, which
> requirement spec describes this requirement for Prelude.

I read the "Modularization" page and think it is a good overview of the
issues surrounding a move to OSGi. This question, though, is related to
something I was wondering. What is the current and planned requirements
for fragments in GlassFish?

As you mention, Felix does not currently support fragments, but I have
been trying to make it a priority over the last month or two, but other
things keep popping up. In the trunk, we have preliminary support for
using fragments to extend a bundle's class path. Hopefully, I can finish
that off before too long and just start to pick off different features
of fragments one by one.

How critical are these capabilities for GlassFish?

I am of the opinion that fragments should only be used in limited

-> richard

> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Shinya Ogino wrote:
>> One question regarding localization.
>> Can OSGi fragment bundles be built using maven bundle plugin? G11n is
>> planning to deliver localization to Prelude.
>> thanks,
>> Shinya
>> Sahoo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> A one pager describing "Modularization of GlassFish using OSGi" has
>>> been posted in our Wiki [1] for your review. Your comments are most
>>> welcome. The official review period ends one week stating from
>>> today. Any comments after that period is not guaranteed to be
>>> incorporated, but we will make our best effort to do so. Please try
>>> to use the review template [2] to provide your comments.
>>> We have not yet done a mapping of features for V3 Prelude release.
>>> While providing your comments, please try to indicate a priority
>>> which we can use while determining what to include in V3 prelude
>>> release.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
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