Re: Request feedback on Glassfish V3 Prelude Monitoring one pager

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 09:56:54 -0700

Comments on comments—

With the structure of domain.xml changing substantially in some area,
combined with the lack of a grammar and aliasing, backward
compatibilty for dotted names should be done only as a compatibility
layer, and even then will have its challenges.


On Jul 17, 2008, at 11:37 PM, Nazrul Islam wrote:

> Prashanth Abbagani wrote:
>> Initial draft of Monitoring one pager for V3 Prelude is available.
>> Please take a took and provide feedback, comments, concerns, if any.
> Thanks for starting this thread. Here are some notes from today's
> review...
> 1) Section Please ensure that the object view hierarchy
> is aligned with GFv2 and the dotted names are backward compatible.
> 2) Section Please ensure that monitor_type is correctly
> mapped for GFv2 types also.
> 3) Section asadmin set command does not work without
> domain.xml persistence.
> 4) Section 4.12: Please specify how GFv2 monitoring levels (OFF,
> LOW, HIGH) will work.
> 5) Please ensure that this works for both JDK 5 and JDK6.
> 6) Please expose the monitoring information with JMX MBeans. REST
> support may come post Prelude.
> 7) Please check all the APIs for naming consistency and align.
> 8) Secion Please specify that appName can be null.
> 9) Section 4.3: Please specify what is in scope for GFv3 Prelude.
> 10) Section 4.4: Please clearly specify what is out of scope so that
> future design goals are understood.
> 11) Section Do we need to expose the probe annotations
> (@ProbeName, @ProbeParams, @MethodEntry) and ProbeProviderInfo?
> 12) Section Is there any risk with exposing remove method
> on TreeNode to 3rd parties? Should we have exposed only the
> integration point (example parentId)? See example at:
> 13) Section [Question] Example shows "gf:tx:*". Should the
> first tupple be "gf" in the example? How does this relate to DTrace?
> 14) Please clarify support for JVM, JDBC, JPA, jRubby monitoring and
> CallFlow support.
> --
> Nazrul Islam - (408) 276-6468 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.