Re: edit/debug/build instructions for V3 -- recommended approach

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:05:39 -0700


BTW, specifying means that RMI will
start in the Platform MBeanServer, which is fine, except that
currently all AMX MBeans load in their own MBeanServer, and use a
JMXMP connector. I plan to switch AMX back to the Platform
MBeanServer soon.

Your script looks very similar to what I'm doing on Mac OS X. I've
lost track of the current state of the 'web' vs 'glassfish'
distribution though.

export V3_RUN=/v3/run
$V3_RUN/bin/asadmin stop-domain >& /dev/null
pushd . >& /dev/null
echo --- Creating new installation in $V3_RUN ---
echo --- unjarring `pwd`/$ARCHIVE---
jar xf $ARCHIVE;
rm -rf $V3_RUN
cp -r glassfish $V3_RUN;
rm -rf glassfish
chmod +x $V3_RUN/bin/asadmin
echo DONE
echo ""
popd >& /dev/null

I alias 'inst' to 'mvn install; freshen'. The 'freshen' command
copies jars from build dirs I commonly work on.

cd $V3_SRC
export COPY="cp"
echo --- Copying jars to $V3_RUN_MODULES ---

# Copy jars that I'm working on...
$COPY common/*/target/*.jar $V3_RUN_MODULES
$COPY core/*/target/*.jar $V3_RUN_MODULES
$COPY admin/*/target/*.jar $V3_RUN_MODULES

This approach has worked well, but the build keeps changing and I'm
not sure if there is something else I should be doing.


On Jun 3, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Jason Lee wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Lloyd L Chambers <
> > wrote:
> Does anyone actually follow the instructions at:
> Using 'mvn gf:run' is not only incredibly slow, it starts up in HK2
> mode.
> What are people doing/recommending at this point? I've been
> unjarring distributions/web/target/ and using 'asadmin' to
> start the server. That's not working right now, but it's much faster.
> That's what I do. I am forced to use Windows, but here is my cygwin-
> powered .bat file, which starts the server in debug mode (thanks,
> Anissa!):
> @echo off
> set DISTRO=distributions/web
> set EXTRACT_DIR=test
> call mvn %1% -f core\kernel\pom.xml install
> call mvn %1% -f %DISTRO%\pom.xml install
> rm -rf %EXTRACT_DIR%
> unzip -o %DISTRO%/target/*.zip -d %EXTRACT_DIR%
> java -Xdebug -
> Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9009 -
> -jar %EXTRACT_DIR%/glassfish/modules/
> glassfish-*-SNAPSHOT.jar
> --
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team

Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc