I don't understand why the tag does not contain UR2, but that's a
separate issue. Thanks for the information.
Terena Chinn-Fujii wrote:
> The final v2ur2 build was tagged as follows:
> SJSAS-9_1_02-B04-11_Apr_2008
> Terena
> Sahoo wrote:
>> What is the CVS tag name for GlassFish V2UR2? I see only a branch
>> name as shown below:
>> cvs status -v bootstrap/project.properties | grep -i UR2
>> SJSAS91_UR2_BRANCH (branch: 1.401.
>> SJSAS91_UR2_BRANCHPOINT_06_Dec_2007 (revision:
>> 1.401.
>> Don't tell me there is no tag name and we are relying on people not
>> to commit accidentally to that branch.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
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