Re: Review draft 2 Glass Fish v3 TP2 Release Notes

From: Paul Davies <Paul-Martin.Davies_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 May 2008 21:17:49 -0700

Hi Anissa,

Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Here is my comment regarding draft 2 Release Notes.
> - resolve any trademark issue
> - Please coordinate the name with the QSG that Scott sent out. Where
> the word "Application Server" sits ?
> RN: GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 *Application Server*
> QSG: GlassFish *Application Server* v3 Technology Preview 2
The form in the RN is to be followed throughout he documentation.
> - In table 2-2, please change the port # 4848 Administration Server to
> #8080 instead.

DISCUSS: Mention of the default Admin port has been removed.
> - pg 12, Java DB utility Scripts
> The following scripts are available for use in the
> *as-install/javadb/bin* directory:
> It should be glassfish/javadb/bin or as-install/glassfish/javadb/bin
> because after unzip, there is the glassfish directory.
DECLINE. The definition of the as-install placeholder includes glassfish.
> Same as in step2 for configuration.
> Set the DERBY_HOME environment variable to point to the
> *as-install/javadb* directory.
DECLINE. The definition of the as-install placeholder includes glassfish.
> pg. 16
> *as-install/bin/asadmin* set
> ""
DECLINE. The definition of the as-install placeholder includes glassfish.
> - pg 17. Uninstalling GlassFish
> To uninstall GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Application Server, you
> must use the
> uninstallation program that is included with the software.
> I am not aware of such a tool.
This information is removed.

> And if it exists, you should specify
> what that tool is, at least the tool name.
If a tool is provided later, I will provide a pointer to instructions
for using the tool.

> - pg 18 Update Tool.
> It talks about how to use the update tool. However, i don't believe
> update tool is available in tp2. bin/updatetool doesn't exist. You
> should check with Nazrul about this.

DECLINE: I have tested the latest bundles and update tool is available
and can be started from bin/updatetool after installation of the
Application Server software.

Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.