Re: Review draft 2 Glass Fish v3 TP2 Release Notes

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 13:08:56 -0700


Here are my comments on Release Notes.

Page 3:
The GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Application Server product greatly
simplifies the task of
creating and administering web applications.

The application server does more than webapplications, should we
emphasize on web applications ?

Page 5:
Feedback Submittal form

Pl. check the link also check other links for accuracy.

Page 6:
¦ Glassfish Wiki: Plan for GlassFish v3

Instead of calling 'Plan for GlassFish V3', we could say 'GlassFish V3
Wiki', otherwise it

sounds like the wiki is specific to Planning and there may be other page
which talks about V3


Page 7:
GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Application Server is a server for the
development and
deployment of web applications.

As I mentioned earlier, V3 TP2 can also accomodate ejb applications, so
specifying web applications may narrow the scope. Pl. check with Jerome.

Page 8:
Scripting Language Support.

Do we want to talk about other scripting languages also or just ruby.
Refer to the following link

Page 10:
Disk Space

GlassFish V3 TP2 doesn't need as much memory as needed by GF V2. 35 MB
Seems high, check with


Remove SDK since it is not applicable.

Page 10:
TABLE 2-2 Default PortAssignments for GlassFish v3 Technology Preview
2Application Server

As I know, we use 8080 for admin as well as applications. Do we need
8181 and 4848 ?

Request Kedar/Anissa to confirm.

Page 12:
Using the Bundled Java DB Database

I see a lot of discussion on Java DB including starting in network mode
etc. Shouldn't all this be part of Java DB doc. ?

Can we point instead ?


Paul Davies wrote:

> Hi,
> When I sent out draft 1 of the Glass Fish v3 TP2 Release Notes, I
> omitted information about asadmin command options that are not
> supported at TP2. Attached is draft 2, which rectifies that omission.
> The only changes compared with draft 1 are as follows:
> * I added Restrictions forGlassFish v3Technology Preview2 Application
> Server, which contains the new sections Unsupported Options in asadmin
> Commands (pp17-18).
> * I moved Features Not Supported on All Operating Systems (p18) inside
> the Restrictions section.
> If you have already reviewed draft 1, please look at the changed
> sections on pp 17-18.
> If you have not already reviewed draft 1, please review draft 2.
> Draft 2 does not include any comments that I have already received
> (for which many thanks). I shall wait until my orginial review
> deadline has passed before I process the review comments that I have
> already received.
> If possible, please provide your feedback by the origianl deadline of
> Thursday, April 24, 2008.
> Thank you.
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