missing jruby gem dependencies in shared mode

From: Peter Hulst <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:07:27 -0700

Forgive me if this is a very basic question... I've been beating my
head against the wall with this for about a week now, and haven't
been able to find anything in the docs/blogs/wikis that helped me
resolve this issue.

I'm trying to deploy a jruby war file (packaged with warbler) to a
glassfish server in shared mode. My application controller has a
dependency on 'json', and I installed the json-jruby gem,
but upon loading any page I just get an error 'no such file to load
-- json'.

Are there any additional steps required to tell glassfish where to
find the gems (that were installed with jruby -S gem install <name>) ?
Or is the only way to get this running by including all gems in the
war itself?
