Re: Where is the Java EE 6 EDR?

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 09:23:30 -0700

Kenneth Saks wrote:
> On May 16, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Vince Kraemer wrote:
>> thanks for your response... It made it very clear that my initial
>> query was not very clear.
>> I was more concerned about "hiding" the webbie stuff in the war file
>> that has the ejbs in it.
>> say I have an ent app with 2 war files in it. one of the war files
>> (WithEJBs.war) has servlets, jsps and ejbs in it.
>> The other web app (UseWithEJBswar.war) has servlets and jsps in it...
>> that uses the beans defined in the sibling war file.
>> How does an app assembler hide the servlets and jsps of the
>> WithEJBs.war file?
>> Is that clearer?
> Yes, but it's basically the same answer. Nothing about the Java EE 5
> rules governing visibility of web content between multiple .wars in an
> .ear will be any different in EE 6 just because one .war happens to
> contain EJB components.

Why wouldn't we want to add that capability to Java EE 6? In the past
(Java EE 5) there really wasn't any reason to put two web apps into the
same ear, unless you wanted to expose both to users... I don't think
they could "share" anything between them.

With EJB 3.1 and Servlet 3.0... that seems like it is changing...

It seems that folks will want to share the EJBs that they develop in one
web app with another web app. The beans are likely to be facades over a
set of entities. If the facades are well designed, they will be useful
and developers are likely to want to reuse them to produce other

The developer is obviously able to extract the beans from the web app
that initially contains them and repackage them into a "real" ejb jar
file... but why would we want to force them to do that if one of our
goals is to make developers productive.
