Re: Where is the Java EE 6 EDR?

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 10:50:07 -0400

On May 16, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Vince Kraemer wrote:

> thanks for your response... It made it very clear that my initial
> query was not very clear.
> I was more concerned about "hiding" the webbie stuff in the war file
> that has the ejbs in it.
> say I have an ent app with 2 war files in it. one of the war files
> (WithEJBs.war) has servlets, jsps and ejbs in it.
> The other web app (UseWithEJBswar.war) has servlets and jsps in
> it... that uses the beans defined in the sibling war file.
> How does an app assembler hide the servlets and jsps of the
> WithEJBs.war file?
> Is that clearer?

Yes, but it's basically the same answer. Nothing about the Java EE 5
rules governing visibility of web content between multiple .wars in
an .ear will be any different in EE 6 just because one .war happens to
contain EJB components.

> vbk
> Kenneth Saks wrote:
>> On May 16, 2008, at 1:23 PM, Vince Kraemer wrote:
>>> i was reading through the EJB 3.1 spec and hit a question that
>>> seems unanswered..
>>> If I have ejbs in a .war file... it looks like those ejbs can be
>>> used by a different web app in the same ear...
>>> If you can have webapp2.war "use" the beans in webapp1.war then
>>> there may be situations when an application assembler want to use
>>> the beans in a web app that they do not want to expose...
>> Hi Vince,
>> There isn't any explicit per-bean hiding concept for EJB components
>> within an .ear. Any EJB components exposing a local (or no-
>> interface) view are visible to all other modules in the .ear.
>> That's independent of whether the EJB components are packaged in
>> a .war or an ejb-jar.
>>> How do they say that?
>>> Since this seems like an app assembly question... I figured that
>>> the EDR for JSR-316 would have the answer... but I cannot find it...
>>> thanks,
>>> vbk
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