Re: updatecenter - wrong link and missing information

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 13:46:46 -0700

Hello Wolfram,
Thanks for your feedback. Getting started link for Portlet Container is
fixed now.
We do have Post Install section on overview page which essentially
points to the README or Getting Started document.
Forwarding your feedback to Update Center alias. We liked the idea of
providing a tab for list of installed fies.
Below is the link for Update Center next-
Rajeshwar & Sreeni

Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
> Right now I am writing an article about Glassfish for a German Java
> magazine and thus wanted to do a screenshot of the Updatecenter.
> My first pick was to show the portlet container, but this is not the
> best example. It is missing the "Postr Install" section which I think
> every component should have. It is not enough to have some links in
> the related info section but every component should contain a section
> about what this plugin/compinent/addon actually installs and how to
> make use of it once it is installed.
> Some components do provide this information like Jersey, Java EE API
> Documentation and some more.
> Also I think an additional tab would be nice in which all files that
> are going to be installed get listed.
> Furthermore the Portlet Container component contains a link to a
> Getting Started page which has been moved to the wiki (new url:
> The user
> is get's a "page not found" page when using the link given in the
> Updatecenter.
> Regards,
> Wolfram
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