my initial feeling is that it is too coarse grained.
For instance, for people who don't care about java ee compatibility
and would want to only support say JAXB+JAXWS (which I assume would be
doable), how would that work ?
also in Java EE 6, different profiles may require different subpart of
the metro stack, wouldn't that make things harder to decouple...
On Feb 28, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to check if there are individual modules in v3 depending
> on various technologies from the metro stack like jaxb, jaxws,
> sjsxp, stax-ex,saaj?
> Since all these technologies are bundled in webservices-rt/
> webservices-tools.jar and the 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT version of metro is
> already on maven repository
> Imaybe we should just refer to webservices-rt,webservices-api and
> webservices-tools in our dependencies
> The only case maybe where Kohsuke suggested sjsxp (people just
> wanting to use the parser may not want to get the whole metro stack)
> In that case we can let the dependency for sjsxp remain in the poms
> but for other technologies I can just update the poms to use metro.
> Do other modules see issues with that?
> Thanks,
> Bhakti
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