Components depending on metro?

From: Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:18:30 -0800

I wanted to check if there are individual modules in v3 depending on
various technologies from the metro stack like jaxb, jaxws, sjsxp,

Since all these technologies are bundled in
webservices-rt/webservices-tools.jar and the 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT version of
metro is already on maven repository
Imaybe we should just refer to webservices-rt,webservices-api and
webservices-tools in our dependencies

The only case maybe where Kohsuke suggested sjsxp (people just wanting
to use the parser may not want to get the whole metro stack)
In that case we can let the dependency for sjsxp remain in the poms but
for other technologies I can just update the poms to use metro.

Do other modules see issues with that?
