Feature requests for production level usage of GF V3 (gem)

From: Changshin Lee <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:39:51 +0900

Hi all,

SpringBook ( is a JRoR application and
started a beta service as well. The current production configuration
is Apache + Mongrel jcluster, but I'd like to migrate to GF V3. Here's
a list of features for that:

1. Resolve issues on root context (3885) and jruby runtime (3887)
2. Add root context support for glassfish_rails based on #1
3. Add a third-party library (jar file) for a JRoR application on GF V3
4. Allow environment setting (i.e. development, test, production, ...)
5. daemon mode (GF V2 supports by default)

With #1~#5, SpringBook service can be run on Apache + GF V3. Then, one
more step is awaited. In order to live without Apache, setting virtual
hosts up is required, for example, suppose there is one server
instance (s1) -> s1 -> s1 -> s1

Finally, we have quite a solid practice for JRoR:
development -> mongrel-java or grizzly-jruby (actually #3 and #4 are
also needed in using grizzly-jruby)
production -> glassfish_rails

I hope I would have a chance to speak about this work on 17 Feb, the
biggest Java conference in Korea ;-)

