>>>>> On Tue, 06 Nov 2007 23:15:02 -0800, Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM> said:
KM> Hi Jerome,
KM> Thanks for the update.
KM> One question I had was about the directory structure when it comes to
KM> resources. The standard or preferred Maven structure is
KM> src/main/resources/<appropriate-package>/<resource-files>
KM> I am a bit uncomfortable with this. From what I have seen, developers like
KM> to keep resources that form the strings in (e.g.) exception messages along
KM> side the classes that create them. Thus, we might have:
KM> src/main/java/org/glassfish/util/Util.java
KM> src/main/java/org/glassfish/util/LocalStrings.properties
KM> and then use a LocalStringManager that does the right thing. This can be
KM> achieved by doing:
KM> <build>
KM> <resources>
KM> <resource>
KM> <directory>src/main/java</directory>
KM> </resource>
KM> </resources>
KM> </build>
KM> in pom.xml.
KM> So, my question is should we have that as a practice or should we strive
KM> to do the best practice suggested by Maven?
I think we should follow the maven convention.
That's what I've done for JSF-extensions and it works fine. Also, it
captures things like JavaScript files as well.
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