Brown Bag Series for building GlassFish V3

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 23:20:24 -0700

As GlassFish V3 will be switched from cvs to svn as the scm system,   we will have a brown bag  to cover svn usage to get everyone familiar with svn.   Reasons for the SCM switching can be found in source code management wiki page.

We have planned a series of brown bags related to building GlassFish V3.   More information can be found in V3BrownBags wiki page.
This is open to public and the audio presentation will be recorded for anyone who can't make it.

Topic:     svn
Date:      Tues, Oct 30
Time:     11am - 12 pm PST

Toll Free Dial In Number:   (866) 545-5227
Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:  (865) 673-6950
ACCESS CODE:   3535518
Conf. room :   Peter Pan's Flight in SCA 12,  3rd floor.

A reminder will be sent out a day before the meeting.
