Re: Correction -- Major problem with JNDI at webapp start

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 14:05:48 -0700

Yikes, I take some of this back. Looks like support for reading
context.xml was added to Glassfishearlier this year (see

Maybe there is a bug... I will check.


Peter Williams wrote:
> sun-web.xml is the server specific descriptor for webapps in
> Glassfish. Glassfish does not use context.xml in any way.
> However, sun-web.xml does not provides fields to override env-entry
> elements from web.xml. I believe the expectation is that you would
> simply modify web.xml directly if the values needed changing.
> That said, I tried your example just now using my personal development
> build of NB6 (roughly equivalent to the current nightly build of same)
> and it worked flawlessly, no exceptions. The value was read from
> web.xml exactly as expected.
> You don't mention where your context code is. Mine was in the
> processRequest() method of generic NetBeans generated servlet.
> -Peter
> Lilianne E. Blaze wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using Glassfish b58g, the one provided with Netbeans 6.0b1. It seems
>> JNDI is unavailable at webapp start.
>> I have:
>> <env-entry>
>> <env-entry-name>xxx/test</env-entry-name>
>> <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
>> <env-entry-value>test 2</env-entry-value>
>> </env-entry>
>> In web.xml
>> And:
>> <Environment name="xxx/test" type="java.lang.String" value="test4"/>
>> In /META-INF/context.xml
>> Now I'm not sure if Glassfish uses /META-INF/context.xml, I think it
>> does, but <env-entry> is standard JEE functionality.
>> I'm using the following code:
>> Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
>> Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
>> String value = (String)envCtx.lookup("xxx/test");
>> To get the value at webapp start. Obviously, it should get "test 2". I
>> throws "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound" instead.
>> The same code works flawlessly on Tomcat 6.0.13.
>> Changing "xxx/test" to just "test" in all places makes no difference.
>> Due to technical requirements I can't use lazy-init here and I do have
>> to use JNDI. So basically this is a showstopper for me.
>> Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze
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