Re: GlassFish gem feature requests/bugs

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:32:54 -0700

Making the change suggested below fixed that problem and started the
container fine :)


Jerome Dochez wrote:
> Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> Charles
>>> I spent more time debugging this on mac os x and windows and I have
>>> to say that I am now quite confused about jruby behaviour.
>>> On the mac, jruby seems to do the right thing, consistent with the
>>> code you proposed below, whereas the parent class loader of gfv3 is a
>>> JRubyClassLoader with 1 jar file in the classpath :
>>> glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT. The parent class loader of that one is the
>>> AppClassLoader for jruby which contains all the .jar files in the
>>> jruby lib directory.
>>> However on windows, the situation is quite different. The parent
>>> class loader of gfv3 is directly the AppClassLoader for jruby not
>>> only including the .jar files in the jruby lib directory but also
>>> including all the .jar located in the glassfish lib installed gem
>>> like I described below.
>>> This is the exact same gem I installed on mac and windows, I am using
>>> jruby rev 4201 (1.0.1) on both machines. On Mac OS, this is jdk 5, on
>>> Windows, this is JDK 6.
>>> Can you shed some light on what may cause this behaviour difference ?
>> I have no clue. JRuby starts up its own classloader that allows
>> loading jars at runtime. Under all platforms, it should use that
>> classloader to load any jars loaded with 'require'. Can you confirm
>> that all the files from both installations match?
>> There is one possible issue...the .bat file for starting up JRuby on
>> Windows could be broken and including not just the files immediately
>> under /lib, but all jar files found anywhere under lib. I know nothing
>> about .bat scripting, so we'd need to find someone familiar with it to
>> investigate that angle.
> good guess...
> you do a for /r which cause the entire tree of directory to be parsed
> if you replace
> for /r "%JRUBY_HOME%\lib" %%i in (*.jar) do @call "%~dp0_jrubysetcp" %%i
> with
> for %%i in ("%JRUBY_HOME%\lib"\*.jar) do @call "%~dp0_jrubysetcp" %%i
> in _jrubyvars.bat
> it works as expected...
> I will file a bug and provide my 2c solution.
> jerome
>> Either way, it's sounding like a bug. If you can confirm the files are
>> the same on both platforms, go ahead and report this as a JRuby issue
>> to be tracked.
>> - Charlie
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