Re: GlassFish gem feature requests/bugs

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 14:51:41 -0700

Arun Gupta wrote:
> I download 8:59 gem on my Vista machine and got the following error:
> C:\testbed\jruby-1.0\bin>gem install
> \temp\glassfish-gem-10.0-SNAPSHOT.gem
> Bulk updating Gem source index for:
> ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
> Could not find \temp\glassfish-gem-10.0-SNAPSHOT.gem (> 0) in any
> repository
> with both JRuby 1.0 and 1.0.1.
I did not get that. I think you need to somehow run gem install in the
directory where you put the gem. so in your case, in temp

can you try that ?
> -Arun
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:47 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>>> I tried the current gem and it doesn't seem to have the stuff below.
>>> Basically, inside the gem bin/glassfish_rails.rb needs to be the
>>> first section of code below and lib/glassfish.rb needs to be the
>>> second section of code. This will allow glassfish_rails to install
>>> with gem's executable wrappers and also to be loaded as a library if
>>> someone wants to start up glassfish from another app.
>> I downloaded it on my windows machine and I got it with the right
>> files. the gem installs fine without the no-wrapper interface and
>> such so somehow you got the old version. The version in the
>> repository is from this morning at 8.59am
>>> We should probably figure out how this would be named and versioned
>>> as well...10.0 is likely to be pretty confusing for some folks, and
>>> the gem itself should probably be named
>>> "glassfish_rails-<version>-java" or -jruby.
>> sure I will bring this up to the planning meeting.
>>> - Charlie
>>> Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>>>> - The startup script should be a normal Ruby script rather than a
>>>> shell script; then we do all the hassle of locating JRuby and Java
>>>> for you, as well as processing normal JRuby command-line logic.
>>>> Here's the script I came up with:
>>>> bin/glassfish_rails:
>>>> <CODE>
>>>> #!/usr/bin/env jruby
>>>> require 'java'
>>>> require 'rubygems'
>>>> require 'glassfish'
>>>> GlassFish.startup(ARGV)
>>>> </CODE>
>>>> And inside the gem under lib, glassfish.rb:
>>>> <CODE>
>>>> require 'glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
>>>> module GlassFish
>>>> import com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.Main
>>>> def startup(args)
>>>> Main.main(args.to_java(:string))
>>>> end
>>>> module_function :startup
>>>> end
>>>> </CODE>
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