Re: Jetty and Glassfish v3

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 21:18:44 -0700

Hi Jan

I would be very excited helping Jetty run on top of v3 and since Amy
is going to start working in V3 imminently, this is the right time to
start the discussion. I am at a conference until thursday so there is
very little I can do at this point, but I will set up some public
phone conference where we can discuss web integration at large (our
web container, jetty and any other interested).

We are also still in the middle of source code management experiments
with svn and mercurial so this is also distracting us.

In the meantime, you can review some of the documents at :

this is imprecise and incomplete but hopefully will give you some ideas.

more on thursday.


On Sep 30, 2007, at 5:34 PM, Jan Bartel wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We're interested in furthering the integration of jetty with
> glassfish. Thanks to
> Amy Roh for committing the patches we submitted to glassfish v2.
> I'm sure there's
> a bit more work we could do there, however, we'd like to start
> discussing v3.
> I think we could contribute substantially to the pluggability of
> the web container
> due to the experience we've had integrating jetty with a number of
> other app
> servers, and I'm sure that would lead to some beneficial changes to
> jetty too.
> I think there are probably a number of areas in the integration
> that might need
> particular attention - so this email is really an invitation to
> start the
> discussion!
> cheers
> Jan
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